He told me that life ain't easy, so i have to be strong.
He told me that don't ever use "feelin" if i wanna survive.
He told me that i should be a wonder woman.
He told me that he really loves me.
He told me that if cries would make me feel much better, then do it.
He told me to be patient always.
He told me that i'm his princess.
He told me that everyone properly kind, there's none of them are wicked.
He told me that become a woman means should ready to serve (as a child, wife, & also a mother).
He told me that i have a big potential.
He told me to "not judge easily".
He told me that i should sincere in every way.
He told me: i will take care of you.
He told me that our life will doin just fine.
He told me to "not just complaining".
He told me that life is beautiful.
He told that: Dear God, please let me hug this "old woman" (*cela-an dia buat gw*) 'till the end of my life.
(hehe karna bosen sama gaya yang gitu-gitu aja,
akhirnya improvisasi sendiri dh =p..
btw, foto ke 2 kok dia nya kaya jereng gitu sh?? hahaha)

(nah yang ini gw nya malah
kaya Nyi Roro Kidul..hihi.. :P)

(nah kalo yang ini laki gw-nya
yang ga beres.hehe)
akhirnya improvisasi sendiri dh =p..
btw, foto ke 2 kok dia nya kaya jereng gitu sh?? hahaha)

(nah yang ini gw nya malah
kaya Nyi Roro Kidul..hihi.. :P)

(nah kalo yang ini laki gw-nya
yang ga beres.hehe)
Yah demikianlah foto-foto aneh kita sodara-sodara.. Ya pada bosen juga kan liat foto nikahan gitu-gitu duank??? HAHAHAHA.. Sbenernya ada lagi lho yang aneh dan menjijikkan, tapi yang itu ga gw pajang ah, karna ternyata gw pikir-pikir gw masih punya urat malu. HOHOHO..
Duuuuuu...... Cape!
Duuuuuu...... Cape!
akhirnya ada penampakannya.. hhehehe.. stelah sekian lm menunggu..
Iya, rikues dr sy jg akhirnya dposting*nambahin komen pije diatas*
dasar orang gilaa..
Change .. hopely gonna be better person .. :)
pasangan gokil!!
but, keren juga tuh gaya ;)
Hahaha... Gilak! Jam 3 malem gw dpaksa ngakak. Saluut!
walaaah jenk... makin lama kok makin error nih potonya...
@ nico : gila, jam 3 malem lo ngkak? paeen??
manah nih poto2nya lagiiih????
baru liat poto pengantin yang kayak gini..
cocok mbak..
bu, yang dandanin lo siapa? lucu juga..mangling!
cantik banget pengantin wanita nya...
pangling :)
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